School is right around the corner which means that law school application season is too. I wanted to take the lull between my wedding and moving to discuss personal statements, supplemental essays, and addenda. Personal Statement Getting Started Make sure you know how long your personal statement can be for each school. Most of my schools wanted no more than 2 pages, but one was okay with 3 pages. That extra page gives you a lot of room to set yourself apart. Also, start writing drafts early. You want to have plenty of time to find a good topic and edit your final draft to perfection. I didn't start writing until my applications were pretty much done; around January. I got my essays done and I was happy with them, but I was ran out of time to write all of the supplemental essays I'd wanted to write. Choosing a Topic I really struggled to find a topic for my personal statement. Everything felt either too generic or too much like a sob story. I wrote probably 10 di...